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Easy Forms of Financial Assistance

you may help the Madrasah at your own ease through the following ways and get a great reward in the Akhirat.
» Education for the orphan.
» Books
» Medicines.
» Clothes and Quilts.
» Mat and Furniture.
» Salary of any teacher.
» Electricity and Telephone Bill.
» Fuel Wood.
» Foods and Breakfast for Guest.
» Foods and Breakfast for Children

How To Donate

People who wish to send their charity, Zakat Sadqat And Lillah etc in order to complete the projects of Madrasa Islamia Arabia Ashraful Uloom either should give directly to the safir and take the receipt or should send by money order, draft, and check. Insha Allah Receipt will sent to them after receiving the amount.
Write on draft or check only this : Madrasa Islamia Arabia Ashraful Uloom

Bank Details

Account No : 421501010023005
Account Name : Madrasa Islamia Arabia Ashraful Uloom
Bank Name : Union Bank Of India
Brach : Buddhakhera Katla